Sunday, June 30, 2013

22 Weeks!

Look at that belly!  I will say that I had eaten quite a lunch before this picture.  He's definitely growing though!

Spencer has a little game he likes to play.  He likes to be really active one day, and then chill out the next day.  I do not care for his little game.  It always makes me worry why he isn't as active, if I should go to the doctor, etc.  I have been able to feel him kick from the outside of my stomach over the past week or so.  Kyle had not been around any of those times to experience it.  As soon as Kyle left to run some errands today, Spencer started practicing his karate moves.  I could even see my stomach moving.  Tonight, as we were watching Big Brother, I kept getting Kyle to put his hand on my stomach after I would feel Spencer.  Nothing.  Kyle would give up and go on about his business.  Finally, I made him leave his hand on my stomach until he kicked again.  Sure enough, Kyle got to feel about 5 good kicks.   Yay!  

I made some progress on cleaning out the 2 extra rooms this weekend.  I see a garage sale in the near future.  Just in time for the 100+ degree weather!  Oh well.  This stuff has to go!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

21 Weeks!

As you can see, little Spencer is growing!  I got quite a few compliments on this dress as I was running errands the other day.  Alayna found it for me on the sale rack at Motherhood Maternity for $16!  I felt a little bad about disappointing the non-pregnant women who wanted to know where it came from.  

Nothing new happened this week.  I am feeling him kick a good bit more, which is exciting.  I'm slowly getting his room cleaned out.  I haven't really figured out where all this stuff came from over the past 2 years!  I'm sure Kyle bought it all :)  

The chalkboard will be back next week.  I had this great project in mind for it.  However, I am not as crafty as I think I am.  Kyle is glad I went back to my original plan and it's done!  As it turns out, I am really pleased with the result.

I was craving a sugar cookie from Albritton's the other day (or maybe Spencer was).  Here is the result of going to a bakery for one sugar cookie:

And no, I didn't eat them all at one time!  I also had a little help from family members.  Those Italian Creme cake balls are soooo good!  Feel free to bring me some  Spencer some any time!

Friday, June 14, 2013

20 Weeks!

7 weeks

11 weeks

20 weeks 

I just find it so amazing how fast babies grow in the womb!  If you have never witnessed a 4d ultrasound, they can be a little scary.  There are times the baby looks like a scary skeleton.  A few adjustments of the contrast/color and they look pretty normal.  We get to see him again at 28 weeks.  It seems like forever from now, but I know it will be here before I know it.

The chalkboard is under construction.  My great idea didn't work out as I had pictured so a new chalkboard is in order.  I also didn't get around to taking a belly pic for this week.  I decided to show you whats going on inside my belly instead.

We had our big appointment Tuesday.  Spencer is just perfect!  He is measuring right on track.  I'm not really sure how accurate this is, but supposedly he weighs 12 oz.  He was very active during the ultrasound.  However, he seems to really like his hands by his face.  We weren't able to get a very clear picture of his face.  He stretched his legs out for us and even flexed his arm.  Already showing off those muscles!  The ultrasound tech said he will surely be a snuggler which is fine with me!  I can't wait to get to snuggle with him.

So far, my blood pressure is great.  I've gained right at 10 lb.  My belly seems to be getting a little bit bigger each day.  Until yesterday, I only had 2 shirts other than t-shirts that I could wear.  Alayna was nice and went shopping with me.  Thankfully, she loves to dig through sale racks!  I should be good to go until winter.  I was completely worn out and grumpy by the time we got home.

Although I really hope to have a belly pic for next week, I'm not promising one!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

19 Weeks!

Time is flying by!  I can't believe next week is the half-way point.  I've felt Spencer move a lot more in the past week.  One night last week, I had fruit dipped in chocolate.  He loved it so much he did a summersault.  It was the weirdest/neatest feeling.  Earlier today, he was practicing kicking the football (or maybe he wanted more fruit and chocolate).  I am so excited about our next appointment!

I finally decided on his bedding.  What do you think?

The skirt that came with the set is actually green gingham.  I will probably get the green gingham curtains to match.  I haven't quite decided if I want the animal decals for the walls.  Deciding on a bed is hard! There are so many to choose from!

Spencer's partner in crime was born last week.  Cooper Martin Wyatt is oh so precious!  I cant wait to give him kisses!

Hopefully I won't miss posting anymore.  Last week was just crazy! I just realized our next appointment is a week away.  This is the big appointment that includes an anatomy scan.  I can't wait to see my little man!