Tuesday, May 21, 2013

17 Weeks!

      I can't believe week 17 is already here.  It seems like it was just a few weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and stared at it trying process the fact I was really seeing two lines.  My bump is a little cuter than the picture shows.  I look like I have a small floating device on under my shirt in this picture.  Maybe it was the photographer (just kidding Alayna!)  The cute little elephant in the picture is actually a blanket. Grammy bought it before we knew boy or girl.  Luckily it's a boy!  Callie has had her eye on it since I brought it home.  

Weight gain: about 6 lb

Maternity clothes:  Yesterday was a sad day.  My only pair of pre-pregnancy jeans that I was able to wear are no longer wearable.  I went from wearing them unbottoned to not being able to pull them up over my rear end in about a week and a half.  I'm so thankful I get to wear scrubs to work!  

Sleep:  Sometimes I sleep ok, other times I wake up feeling 90 years old with aching hips and knees

Food cravings:  Again, nothing in particular.  It varies.  Last night my precious husband went back to Brookshire's to get me some Dutch Chocolate and Cookies and Cream ice cream.  If you can't decide on one, just have both!

Movement:  I'm still not sure if some of the strange feelings in my stomach are actually baby or not.

Happy or moody?:  Still the same as my previous answer.  However, I am much more emotional.  I cried over 2 different movies yesterday.  Needless to say, I didn't watch any movies today.

Looking forward to:  feeling more kicks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gracious- ALL you have is that tiny little bump poking out. How cute! Love Spencer's blanket.
