Monday, May 6, 2013

15 weeks!

Weight gain: 3.5 lb (or so I think/hope.  We will find out for sure on Thursday)

Maternity clothes:  I have bought a pair of shorts and 2 shirts but haven't worn any yet.  I'm still using a   ponytail holder to "button" my jeans.

Stretch marks: None yet...  I found a miracle oil to help with that.  We shall see how well it works.

Sleep:  I purchased one of those big "C" shaped maternity pillows.  It really has helped a lot with the aches and pain in my hips and knees.  However, I usually have to fight Callie for it if she gets in bed before me.  Kyle has named it the "don't touch me" pillow.

Best moment this week:  Realizing I actually look pregnant!  The bump is definitely starting to show.

Miss anything?:  Subway.  Someone decided it was dangerous to eat unheated deli meat, so I'm too freaked out to eat it :(

Movement:  I really think I felt a kick or jab last week.  I haven't felt anything since.

Food cravings:  Nothing in particular.  It varies day to day

Food aversions:  Chicken cheese spaghetti.  Sadly, pizza is the newest food I don't care to eat.

Gender prediction:  Girl (hopefully we find out for sure on Thursday!!!)

Happy or Moody?  I guess happy most of the time.  However, things that got on my nerves before really get on my nerves now!

Looking forward to:  Seeing our baby on Thursday!

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