Tuesday, May 21, 2013

17 Weeks!

      I can't believe week 17 is already here.  It seems like it was just a few weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and stared at it trying process the fact I was really seeing two lines.  My bump is a little cuter than the picture shows.  I look like I have a small floating device on under my shirt in this picture.  Maybe it was the photographer (just kidding Alayna!)  The cute little elephant in the picture is actually a blanket. Grammy bought it before we knew boy or girl.  Luckily it's a boy!  Callie has had her eye on it since I brought it home.  

Weight gain: about 6 lb

Maternity clothes:  Yesterday was a sad day.  My only pair of pre-pregnancy jeans that I was able to wear are no longer wearable.  I went from wearing them unbottoned to not being able to pull them up over my rear end in about a week and a half.  I'm so thankful I get to wear scrubs to work!  

Sleep:  Sometimes I sleep ok, other times I wake up feeling 90 years old with aching hips and knees

Food cravings:  Again, nothing in particular.  It varies.  Last night my precious husband went back to Brookshire's to get me some Dutch Chocolate and Cookies and Cream ice cream.  If you can't decide on one, just have both!

Movement:  I'm still not sure if some of the strange feelings in my stomach are actually baby or not.

Happy or moody?:  Still the same as my previous answer.  However, I am much more emotional.  I cried over 2 different movies yesterday.  Needless to say, I didn't watch any movies today.

Looking forward to:  feeling more kicks!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

16 Weeks!

      The past week has been very busy but exciting.  At our appointment on the 9th, we found out Baby Hill is a BOY!  Both Kyle and I just knew it was a girl.  However, there is no doubt we have a little boy on the way.  We are both so excited!  His name is Spencer Maloy.  He is measuring right on track. He was moving his arms and legs a little and opening his mouth during the ultrasound.  I'm already so in love!

       We met Mrs. Linda, Ryan, and Sarah at Outback on Saturday to share the news with them.  On Sunday, we kind of crashed Alayna's birthday fish fry at Papaw's and shared our news.

       I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day this year.  Kyle gave me a sweet little baby carriage charm to put on my Pandora bracelet.  I also received a new refrigerator (not something I was really wanting at the time).  Our old one decided to go out on us.

       I also gave in to my Subway craving this week.  The woman probably thought I was a nut.  I asked her to put the turkey in the microwave AND toast my sandwich.  I had to be sure all the listeria was killed :)  I'll be sure to post a baby bump picture next week.  I don't really have one for week 16, but it really isn't much different from last week.

Monday, May 6, 2013

15 weeks!

Weight gain: 3.5 lb (or so I think/hope.  We will find out for sure on Thursday)

Maternity clothes:  I have bought a pair of shorts and 2 shirts but haven't worn any yet.  I'm still using a   ponytail holder to "button" my jeans.

Stretch marks: None yet...  I found a miracle oil to help with that.  We shall see how well it works.

Sleep:  I purchased one of those big "C" shaped maternity pillows.  It really has helped a lot with the aches and pain in my hips and knees.  However, I usually have to fight Callie for it if she gets in bed before me.  Kyle has named it the "don't touch me" pillow.

Best moment this week:  Realizing I actually look pregnant!  The bump is definitely starting to show.

Miss anything?:  Subway.  Someone decided it was dangerous to eat unheated deli meat, so I'm too freaked out to eat it :(

Movement:  I really think I felt a kick or jab last week.  I haven't felt anything since.

Food cravings:  Nothing in particular.  It varies day to day

Food aversions:  Chicken cheese spaghetti.  Sadly, pizza is the newest food I don't care to eat.

Gender prediction:  Girl (hopefully we find out for sure on Thursday!!!)

Happy or Moody?  I guess happy most of the time.  However, things that got on my nerves before really get on my nerves now!

Looking forward to:  Seeing our baby on Thursday!

The Hill's

      Kyle and I wanted to be able to share this wonderful time in our lives with family and friends that don't get to see or talk to us every day.  As you all know, Baby Hill is expected to arrive October 26, 2013.  We couldn't be more excited!  It's hard to believe 15 weeks have already flown by.  I promise to do my best to update at least once a week.  We hope you enjoy!