Saturday, September 28, 2013

35 Weeks!

     My stomach gets bigger and bigger every day!  I'm really not sure where Spencer is going to go the next 4.5 weeks.  

     I no longer am wearing my wedding rings :(

     My belly button pokes out a little

     His favorite time to get in my ribs is while I'm driving

     I'm not sleeping as well as I was a few weeks ago

     On a positive note, still no stretch marks on my stomach! Woo hoo!  There's still time.  I'm convinced he tries to create them daily as he pushes out on my stomach.  

     I'm starting to get a little nervous about labor and delivery.   People keep saying "Oh, he could come anytime now!"  Yes, I'm fully aware of that little fact but don't want to think about it!   I have lots of questions for Dr. Salas on Wednesday.  Lucky her!  I'll be sure to report back on how the appointment goes.  I'm excited/nervous.  What if she tells me I'm dilating already?  I know I have my complaints, but I want him to stay put for at least 4 more weeks!  

     One more exciting thing:  I have a shower at work on Tuesday from my wonderful coworkers.  I can't wait!

34 Weeks!

     Mom and I went to Black Bayou Wednesday morning to take maternity pictures. I survived the bugs and reptiles! It was a little hot, but mom took some great pictures! Later that evening, Kyle and I took more pictures at Kiroli Park. 

(how the photo shoot really went...)

     I also had an appointment Wednesday. I've gained 27 pounds so far, blood pressure is still good, and Spencer's heart rate is great. I'm down to just wearing my wedding band these days. I really didn't think I would swell. Luckily, it's not much and could be worse. 

     Spencer's baby shower was the 14th. He is one loved little boy! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! I can't get over all the gifts! I'm hoping to get all the thank you notes written and gifts put up before he's born.... 

     My awesome mother-in-law came over Friday to help with a few things in the nursery. She replaced the curtain rods and hung the curtains. We successfully got the monkeys and giraffe decals on the wall as well. It's looking so cute!  I will post pictures of it when I get everything a little more organized.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

32 Weeks!

     As you can see, my board is getting less and less creative.  It's very uncomfortable to get down on the floor to put cute stuff on it these days.  Also, I just haven't had the time.  There are way too many other things to be doing (such as sitting on the couch with my feet propped up).  Actually, Kyle and I have gotten the guest room looking more like a guest room.  The house is slowly getting more organized.  I'm hoping I don't get so far into the nesting stage that I decide to wash the windows or anything. Eww!  That's a man's job :)  Right?  Ok, maybe not.

     My appointment went well on Wednesday.  I feel so blessed this has been such a great pregnancy.  Honestly, the only bad thing so far was having to take the 3 hour glucose test.  Over the past two weeks I've noticed my wedding rings aren't fitting as well as they did.  Luckily my feet aren't really swelling yet.  I've also noticed Spencer is getting the hiccups.  It's so cute!  My only disappointment of the week was finding out I won't have another ultrasound unless there is a problem.  I don't want there to be a reason for an ultrasound, but I want to see him again before he's born!  Speaking of the birth.... I plan for it to be pretty natural.  Y'all are probably thinking "Yeh, right. That won't happen!"  I really don't want an epidural, and I don't want to be induced.  I think I can do it.  Family and friends just might need to stay clear of the delivery room until after he's born :)