Tuesday, August 20, 2013

30 Weeks!

10 weeks to go!  Spencer is getting bigger every day.  He apparently is running out of room and finding any place he can to put his little feet.  His favorite place is my right rib cage.  Every once in a while my poor hip bone takes a beating.  That is the most uncomfortable feeling ever! (I might change my mind on that in a couple of months)  I am also getting tired sooner than I did in the 2nd trimester.

I had my appointment yesterday.  Everything is great!  My blood pressure is good, I'm up 20 lb, and my stomach is measuring where it should.  His heartbeat was 160.  I hope we are able to get at least one more ultrasound before he gets here!

Alayna had her White Coat Ceremony for pharmacy school Friday the 16th.  I'm so proud of her!  She has four stressful years ahead of her, but I know she can do it.  It will fly by.  I can't believe I was getting my white coat 7 years ago.  We are two lucky girls to have such a wonderful, supportive family!

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